Herts Pond Case Studies
We are excited to now be delivering the District Level Licencing scheme in Hertfordshire - a county with huge appetite and potential to create and restore farmland ponds. Please get in touch if you are interested in undertaking such a project on your land in Herts: ponds@fwageast.org.uk.
Pond Uplift
The owners of this pond-dense Hertfordshire farm used the DLL scheme to carry out the restoration of three existing farm ponds - and create a further four more! Research suggests that restoring ponds can have an uplift effect on biodiversity in unrestored ponds in the same landscape. We are sure the sensitive work carried out here will benefit wildlife across this farm and beyond.
Grassland Pond Creations
This farmer contacted us about creating some ponds in a large, low-input grass field which is cut for hay three times a year. The field offered good connectivity to other terrestrial habitats where newts forage and overwinter, including mature hedgerow and woodland. The farmer will leave a minimum three metre rough grass buffer from the edge of the ponds once created, to protect them from field operations. Watch this space!
Ghost Pond Resurrection
This pond was visible on old farm maps but had been filled in sometime in the second half of the last century (a common fate for farmland ponds in the post-war period). The owner excavated the pond down to its original shape and size. It is hoped some interesting flora will reveal itself from the old seedbank in the spring,